Is there an “Asian American” way to handle feedback? How does ethnicity impact feedback processes and growth? Note: This is Part 10 of a 10-part series on feedback. I’ve [...]
Why I wrote my new book, and some “insider” information. You may have noticed that I just published my second book, “The Art of Growing Through Feedback,” and it’s [...]
Feedback is a tool of power, and it can create environments of freedom or oppression. Note: This is Part 9 of a 10-part series on feedback. I’ve compiled the entire series in a free book [...]
What’s your feedback “style?” What I found most helpful, and some of my own thoughts on feedback inspired by this book. Note: This is Part 8 of a 10-part series on feedback. [...]
Check out what I’m growing in my garden this year. And in my leadership. I know it’s springtime, because I feel unusually happy. Spring is my favorite time of the year — it stays [...]
Allow yourself to be influenced by others, but believe in what you stand for. Note: This is Part 7 of a 10-part series on feedback. I’ve compiled the entire series in a free book you can [...]