Below are some free resources I’ve written on various leadership topics, each containing some reflection and discussion questions at the end. You can read, download, and print for individual or group use—whether you want to use it to kick off a team meeting, or spark conversation in your small group or book club. If you’d like to explore bringing me in as a guest speaker or facilitator, you can connect with me here!
Every dialogue can be either a competition, or a bond of connection with another person. I’m sometimes shocked at how little I have to actually do, in order to make an impact on another person. [...]
Four questions I love to ask, and three unexpected benefits that come with them. According to a well-known story, Nobel Prize winner Isadore Rabi shares how his mother unknowingly taught him to [...]
Here’s my hypothesis: the more we talk, the less we notice. What do you think? Over my life, I’ve been fortunate to work with many leaders who are older and wiser. Sometimes when people have [...]
Is it time for us to go beyond “East v. West” leadership charts? I’ve been thinking a lot recently about indirectness, especially in communication. Having worked in many Asian [...]
Even if we make a mistake, it’s almost never too late to “try again.” In the fifth chapter of Facing the Demands of Leadership, I write about the leadership skill of “learning from our [...]
Many people aren’t looking for a rational explanation from their leaders, but for a relational connection. The first chapter in my new book and guide, Facing the Demands of [...]
Some of my biggest lessons from working with leaders on the topic of giving and receiving feedback. I’m always learning. Since I wrote The Art of Growing Through Feedback about a year ago, I’ve [...]
Are we distracted or fully present when we’re with other people? The difference has everything to do with creating margin in our lives. Part 5: Making Ourselves Available Has anybody [...]
When we get overwhelmed with responsibilities and tasks, it’s easier to treat people as a “means to our ends” — but we must resist doing that. Part 4: Following Up I felt [...]
Look beyond the urgent and obvious, and you’ll discover joy in unexpected places. Part 3: Initiating One morning as I was getting ready for the day, one of my friends from college came to [...]