Below are some free resources I’ve written on various leadership topics, each containing some reflection and discussion questions at the end. You can read, download, and print for individual or group use—whether you want to use it to kick off a team meeting, or spark conversation in your small group or book club. If you’d like to explore bringing me in as a guest speaker or facilitator, you can connect with me here!
Is it time for us to go beyond “East v. West” leadership charts? I’ve been thinking a lot recently about indirectness, especially in communication. Having worked in many Asian [...]
What can we learn about leadership from the recent United Airlines fiasco? The second chapter of my new book and guide, Facing the Demands of Leadership, deals with “seeking regular feedback.” [...]
Here’s the story of two leaders who showed me the critical difference-maker. Here’s some background on why I developed the new leadership training curriculum, “Facing the Demands of [...]
I’m very excited to share with you a new leadership resource I’ve developed called, “Facing the Demands of Leadership!” Here is the basic information about my new training book & discussion [...]
Sometimes we freeze up because we don’t want to abuse our power, or be insensitive. Maybe there’s a better way. There’s a dynamic I’ve observed frequently while working in [...]
Some of my biggest lessons from working with leaders on the topic of giving and receiving feedback. I’m always learning. Since I wrote The Art of Growing Through Feedback about a year ago, I’ve [...]
Thoughts on two overlooked components of leadership growth, and a final update on our garden. What are the factors that truly grow us into better leaders? Looking around at the most relevant and [...]
For many leaders, our biggest challenge isn’t giving love and encouragement — it’s receiving them. A while back at a leadership conference, I had just finished giving a talk that went [...]
Why I changed my mind… as I saw people change through the power of action and practice. The Internet is full of leadership articles with titles like these: “5 Tips to Become a Better [...]
How do we respond when our leaders fail or disappoint us? I can still recall walking out of the leadership meeting, feeling deflated and invisible. They just don’t get me, and what [...]